Welcome to my Blog, FEM Queen!
Royal Tips to Sovereign Love
It's my pleasure to share with you my learnings, teachings and tips to inspire you to attract your Perfect Masculine King and Transform Your Love Life Forever.
I''ll share my story and how I went from Drama Queen to Feminine Magnetic Queen and to having the most Sovereign Love Relationship ever; way beyond any fairy tale I could have ever imagined...
Click here and get my free guide to "My 11 Sovereign Steps To Attract Love Like A Feminine Queen".
The Art of Navigating the Waters of Uncertainty.
If you're in a space where you don't know where you Man stands in your relationship, this blog might help you…
Catch It, Feel It And Be Curious About It!
Are you conscious about your feelings? I invite you to become your own feelings detective…
Your Man Is Not Responsible For Your Happiness!
If you're letting your man's actions or lack of actions guide your happiness, this message is for you…
Be Your Own Valentine!
If Valentine's Day makes you feel sad because you don't have a partner, this blog is for you…
Learn to Receive And Feel Your King Fall Into Your Arms.
Many Women don't understand they're pushing their Men away by not Receiving. Here's my intake on the "Art of Receiving” and how it can impact your Love Life forever.
Because I Mistreated Myself, I Attracted Men Who Mistreated Me.
Learn from the Men who are showing up in your Life. They're just mirroring what's happening inside you…
Book Your Royal Love Connection Call
And let's create a plan to turn around your Love Life fast!