Because I Mistreated Myself, I Attracted Men Who Mistreated Me.
Hey Gorgeous!
Doesn't it make you feel mad when people say "You attract who you are?"
This used to really get into my nerves, until I understood the power of this saying.
I had to learn it the hard way and now this feels like a blessing to me…
So, what do I mean by "We attract who we are"?
Well, the men who show up in our lives are mirrors of what is happening inside us…
If, like me, you're feeling like you're not perfect enough, hating yourself, hating your body, beating yourself up all the time, you will attract a man who will do the same to you.
This is what happened in all my past relationships…
Because I was always judging and not trusting myself, I attracted unfaithful men who hurt me…
The more I hurt myself with my hard thoughts; high judgements and lack of self love, the more these men hurt me.
All they were doing was reflecting back all the characteristics I disliked about myself.
This was a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH I had after I began my Feminine Energy Coaching Training.
*It became crystal clear why my marriage and all my previous relationships had not worked…
*It became crystal clear why most men I attracted into my Life were unfaithful…
I simply did not trust myself!
And they reflected that back to me!
And did you think that I beat myself up even after I had this breakthrough?
Hell no!
I understood the power of it all and I took my power back!
And if you're feeling the same, don't worry! I've got your back!
You have the power to choose again and create a new Love Story for yourself!
And moreover, you have the power to change in a dime!
If you understand that it's all about you, your vibe, your energy, your emotions, you can shift it all and make it work on your behalf!
Doesn't that sound like fun?
It's all about YOU, Queen! It has nothing to do with your man…
So, here's my tip for you…
Learn to look at the men who are showing up in your Life as mirrors of what's happening inside you…
When they mistreat you, ask yourself "How am I mistreating myself?"
"What message is this man bringing me?"
(Please understand that I'm not talking about abusive or toxic relationships… These are non-negotiables and if you feel like you're in one, please reach out for help!)
And learn to switch it all around!
Work on yourself so you can attract the best of you!
You want more Love into your Life?
Be more loving yourself!
Be the Love you want to attract!
And start by loving the most important person in your Life: YOU!
Let the new men who show in your Life be a reflection of the Gorgeous Magnetic Feminine Queen you're meant to be!
And if you feel like you need someone to have your back and help you in this process, I'm here for you.
Click on this link and let's schedule a Royal Love Connection Call.
Lots of Love,
Tania Costa Lima