Catch It, Feel It And Be Curious About It!
Hey Gorgeous!
What a beautiful journey we've embarked on…
It still surprises me day by day…
Even after all the training, all the coaching, all the knowledge I've gained from my beautiful Feminine Energy Love & Relationship Coach Journey, I still catch myself swimming in my own insecurities and feeling it all over my body…
And this is the beauty of it all…
Let me share what happened this weekend…
I've been feeling the need to feel more connected to my Man…
His Life has been very busy lately and we haven't been able to properly connect.
My brain understands why he's been busy and not connecting as much, and yet, my feminine heart doesn't.
I've done my 5 Love Languages and I'm a woman who needs "touch" and "quality time".
At this time we cannot fulfil my "touch" need since we're far apart…
So my need for "phone quality time" (aka. video calls) has increased.
And because I'm responsible for my happiness, I decided to express that to him.
I sent him a warm message saying that I missed him and that I have been feeling disconnected from him.
And then I asked:
Is there anything I should know?
Wow! After I pushed the send button, that last question hit me hard…
It was so interesting to observe my body…
I could immediately hear this little voice in my head saying "And what if there is? And what if he's found another woman? Would you really wanna know?"
I could feel a pool of insecurities in my belly…
My entire body was feeling all the icky feelings and the betrayal from my past relationships…
I've been cheated on many times and just the thought of it made me sick…
And here's what I did:
Instead of letting the little voice inside me take control, I decided to become curious about these feelings.
I became my own feelings detective!
It was so interesting to notice that I still felt triggered by my past…
And so I allowed those feelings to pass through my body.
I held on to my truth that "Things are always working out for me" and if there was something I needed to know it was better that I found out now.
I laid on my bed, put my hand on my belly and started letting those feelings move through my body.
I told the little voice inside my head "Thank you for sharing. I hear you. I love you. Thank you for trying to protect me. And I'm in charge here."
And then I asked "What do I need to learn from this?"
And then I heard "Trust yourself!"
And just like magic,
I could feel my vibe shift!
And so, confident that I was on the right track, expressing my feelings and speaking my truth, I got up and went on with my day.
Long story short, I got a message from him saying he also missed me and we could speak later on that day.
I'll leave the conversation for another blog (there are some golden nuggets there as well…)
And for now, my message for you is:
Catch your feelings, let them move through you and become curious about them!
They always carry a very important message with them!
Allow yourself to hear and feel this message.
Give it love and curiosity and you won't be destroyed by the little voices in our head.
Be responsible for your happiness!
And if you want some more Sovereign Love Advice, click on this link and download my Free Guide "My 11 Sovereign Steps To Attract Love Like A Feminine Queen".
I cannot wait to see what will unfold for you, Queen!
Lots of Love,
Tania Costa Lima