The Art of Navigating the Waters of Uncertainty.
Hey Gorgeous!
I've been feeling very confused lately…
My mind is battling my heart…
I've been feeling very disconnected from my Man…
Both of our lives have been very chaotic in the past months.
My head understands it's definitely not the right timing for us to be together.
And yet, my heart longs for more…
What does it feel like to navigate in the Waters of Uncertainty?
What does it feel like to know deep inside your heart that you have found the one, your King, your soulmate, that man who truly makes your heart smile and yet not hear from him?
What does it feel like to lean back and let all those feelings take over your body?
Today I felt scared, I felt the fear of betrayal from my past show up again, I felt uncertain and I also felt adventurous.
So many feelings came up…
And that one concrete answer we all want; the proposal, the "I do", the "I'm going after you no matter what" is not showing up…
What to do?
How do we navigate these Waters of Uncertainty without closing our hearts?
We allow ourselves to feel these feelings.
We keep looking forward focusing on our Dream Relationship.
What does your Dream Relationship look like?
How does your Dream relationship make you feel?
Journal about it!
Allow those feelings to pass through you…
You deserve to love and be loved!
No matter what!
Just because you came to this planet…
Your mission here is to be happy!
And to navigate in these Waters of Uncertainty, we have to trust ourselves.
We have to trust in Divine Timing.
Trust that "Things are always working out for us".
Trust that our King will step up for us.
And if he doesn't, he isn't your King. He is simply a Prince with a very important message.
And what message is he bringing?
How can you use that message to keep moving forward toward your Dream Relationship?
And can you embrace the Waters of Uncertainty once again?
Yes, you can!
You have the inner strength inside you.
You don't need to put up an armour and protect yourself.
You're already protected.
If this Man has to leave, it's to open the space for your King to show up.
Princes show up in your Life to get you ready to receive your King.
And if he's already your King, he'll step up!
And you'll receive him with warmth.
Feminine Queens lean back on their thrones and graciously allow their Kings to move towards them.
How do we navigate the Waters of Uncertainty?
We focus on the Dream Relationship and on trusting ourselves.
That's my message for you today, FEM Queen.
And if you need help navigating the Waters of Uncertainty in your own Life, please reach out to me. Click here and let's schedule a Royal Love Connection Call.
There's always a way!
And I would love to share with you my 3rd way…
Lots of Love,
Tania Costa Lima